
VenusBlood HOLLOW International Pre-Order Store!

Created by Studio Ninetail (スタジオ九尾)

Missed out on the VBHI Kickstarter Campaign? You can still pick up some goodies here!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Project Successfully Funded + Pre-order store & Paypal Explanation! / KSプロジェクト達成 + プレオーダーストアのお知らせ
over 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 09, 2020 at 07:08:39 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

A huge thank you to each and every one of you amazing fans out there! The VenusBlood HOLLOW International Project is a success! We've also managed to achieve quite a few stretch goals...We at Ninetail are simply ecstatic!

In order to bring all of you loyal fans the best game possible, we at Ninetail will give it our all, we promise. We will also make periodic updates regarding our progress on the game, so rest assured on that end!

As for the Backerkit, surveys will be sent out to backers soon, around the 15th of this month or so at 3 pm JST (subject to change).

The ultimate deadline for the surveys and pre-order store is the 10th of May 2021, but we would certainly appreciate a speedy response! 

We will also be opening up the pre-order store around the same time (via Backerkit) that will allow non-backers to purchase add-ons and specific pledge tiers! (Jet Black Hero & Tentacles of the Round Table are not available)

The pre-order store and add-on purchases should accept Paypal payments as well, but if anyone out there requires special assistance, feel free to contact us.

tl;dr: For backers, just wait for the survey. For non-backers, use the pre-order store that will be released in future to buy your digital or physical goods. For those who want to discuss other methods, contact us.

Also, something else on our post-KS explanations checklist, what to do if your credit card pledge has been declined! Please follow the instructions on this link:


And well, that is all for this end of KS update! Finally, we'd just like to say this one more time...

Thank you all so very, very much! We couldn't have done this without all of your help! You're all the best fans in the world!


お陰様で、VenusBlood HOLLOW Internationalプロジェクトの キックスターターは、無事に成功しました!


バッカー(支援者)の皆さんに満足頂けるローカライズ&リメイクゲームになるように、 誠心誠意、これからゲーム制作に努めますのでよろしくおねがいします。




日本時間の10/15(木)15:00頃から、バッカーキットでの購入ご案内を全バッカーに配信いたします。 バッカーキットは、アッドオン(単体グッズ)を個別に購入できる専用のWEBサイトになります。 こちらでグッズのお買い物を考えていらっしゃる方は少しだけお待ち下さい。 キックスターターでプレッジしたリワード以上に、支援額を投入されている方は、 こちらのWEBサイトで買い物をする際に、購入のための同額のポイントが付与されます。







プレオーダーストアは、バッカー(支援者)向けのストアではありませんので、 バッカーの方がプレッジしたものと同様のものをこちらで購入すると、別途二重購入になってしまいますのでご注意下さい。









[email protected]


連絡をしても数日間返事がない場合は、何らかの理由でメールが届かない状況となっている場合がございますので、 その際はお手数ですが、Twitterのダイレクトメッセージなどにて別途ご連絡下さい。






それでは最後に、もう一度。 皆さんありがとうございました! 貴方達の協力に感謝致します!

12 Hours Left + 9th Jet Black Hero's Selection! / 残り12時間 + 9人目の漆黒の英雄の選択!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Oct 06, 2020 at 11:43:47 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Only 12 Hours Left on the Kickstarter Campaign! We hope you will stick with us all the way until the very end!

Another 12 hours left on the Kickstarter campaign, half a day! Thank you to everyone of you who has come with us all this way, and we hope that you will follow us all the way until the very end!

Now then, time to get into the announcement you've all been waiting for!

That's right, this update, we would like to introduce you to the character chosen by our 9th (8th on KS) Jet Black Hero!

Courtesy of "Kukoso", the heroine chosen for a new scene is...!

"Oh my, a beloved guest wishes to grant me a scene? Why, thank you kindly! Having been selected, I shall endeavour to do my very best!"


This adorable catgirl onmyouji (a specialist in magic and divination) is the prime minister of Rakshasa who supports the resident Dark Lord, Tsubaki, as said dark lord is not very well versed in politics and negotiations.

A natural caretaker and someone who does her job very well, she, alongside her master Tsubaki joined Leonhardt after he defeated them in battle.

With her adorable cat-like features and sensual accent, perhaps it was no wonder she was chosen for a new scene!

*Do note that the character and scene choice is not final as the Kickstarter campaign period is not yet over, and is subject to change according to the backer's wishes


残り後12時間! ここまでついてきてくれて、ありがとうございます! 最後まで、大いに盛り上げていきましょうね!



「あらま、お客さん、ウチに出番くれるって? おおきにな。指名されたからには精一杯お勤めさせてもらいます」






24 Hours Left + 7th & 8th Jet Black Hero's Selection! / 残り24時間 + 7人目と8人目の漆黒の英雄の選択!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Oct 06, 2020 at 11:43:43 PM

Only 24 Hours Left on the Kickstarter Campaign! Let us do our very best, until the very end!

Only another 24 hours to go, just one more day! We couldn't have made it this far without the love and support of each and every one of you! You guys are all amazing, and we hope you will stick with us all the way until the end!

And now that we have reached this milestone, we would like to introduce you to the character chosen by our 7th (Well, official 6th going by Kickstarter) Jet Black Hero!

Courtesy of "ieon", the heroine chosen for a new scene is...

"A-another scene for me? W-what kind of scene awaits me this time...? I hope it isn't anything too rough...Erm, I'll do my best."

Liese von Archlond!

Following Sylvia, Liese is now the second heroine to be getting a second scene from a Jet-Black Hero! A natural choice, perhaps. How can one not love such a cute little dragon loli?

And hey, there's always a chance that another Jet-Black Hero or the Round Table voters give her another scene, so let us keep our fingers crossed for a third one, eh?

*Do note that the character and scene choice is not final as the Kickstarter campaign period is not yet over, and is subject to change according to the backer's wishes


But wait just a moment! That isn't all there is to this update!

That's right, we're giving you a 2 for 1 deal in this update, meaning we will also be introducing you to the character chosen by our 8th (Official 7th on KS) Jet Black Hero as well!

Courtesy of "うし" (Ushi), the heroine that was chosen for a scene is...

"Oh my, it would appear that I have received an offer for a new scene. Hmm, hmm...Well now, this is an interesting proposition. Very well, I suppose I'll take the time to enjoy myself with this one."

Eleanore de Victorique!

The Dark Lord of Necrograd who continues her research day and night, seeking to advance her country further technologically.

Elea, being someone who is very passionate about her research, surely takes the utmost precaution when carrying out her experiments...However, you never know when an accident might happen in a lab.

*Do note that the character and scene choice is not final as the Kickstarter campaign period is not yet over, and is subject to change according to the backer's wishes


残り後24時間! みなさんの助力なしではここまでこれませんでした……貴方たちは、本当に最高のファンです! 最後まで、一緒に盛り上がっていきましょう!



「え、また私をご指名ですか!? 今度はどんなことをされてしまうのでしょう。  あまり手荒でないとよいのですが……あの、頑張りますね」


そう、シルヴィアに続いて、なんと2つ目のシーン獲得できたリーゼちゃん! さすが可愛い竜ロリっ子、愛されてますねー!





だがしかし、ちょっと待った! 今回のアップデートはここで終わりではありません!



「あらー、私にもオファーが来てしまいましたか。 ふむふむ……これは結構面白そうなテーマのようです。せっかくですし、楽しんでやってみましょう」





Stretch Goal #5 Achieved/ストレッチゴール#5達成!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Oct 06, 2020 at 10:19:05 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Hey there, folks!

Amazing news! We actually reached 250% funding, which means we now have Stretch Goal #5 in the bag!

Simply...Amazing, there is just no other words to describe it. Stretch Goal #4 to #5 was a larger gap than the previous stretch goals, and we still managed to get it! You guys are amazing.

Well then, Stretch Goal #5 is essentially the same as Stretch Goal #2, and the content is as follows:

1) New Personal Episode for a Side Character*

Exactly as it says on the tin, there will be an extra scene added for one of the side characters! This scene will be a scene that can only be accessed via the uncensor patch.

*These new personal episodes will be decided based on the results of the Round Table Vote.

**Unlike the 'A New Story' initial goal where the heroine gets a personal episode alongside a new outfit, standing portrait and new commander unit, the Chosen Side Character will only be getting a new scene.

2) New Guest Unit from Another VenusBlood Game (For use in battles only)*

A unit from a different VenusBlood Game will be joining us in VBHI as a guest unit! Do note that these guest units will not play a part in the story and can only be used in battles.

*The new guest unit(s) will be decided based on the results of the Round Table Vote.

I wonder who will be the lucky character who scores herself a new scene? 

Nazuna is giving you a meaningful look from the image above...!

Now then we only have 1 more stretch goal left on the list! I wonder if we'll be able to get it? Well, my friends, with the power of tentacles, we believe that anything is possible!


皆さん、こんにちは! 今日もまた、素敵なアップデート情報をお届けします!


すごい、本当にすごいですよ! まさか、250%まで到達できるとは!

ストレッチゴール#4 から #5までは、今までのストレッチゴールより距離が長かったですが、それでも達成できました! なんという素晴らしいことでしょう!










一体誰が当選されるのでしょう? 上にある画像で、ナズナちゃんからの意味ありげな視線を感じますね……。

さて、いよいよ、残すところは最後の砦である、ストレッチゴール6だけです! 触手の力をもってすれば、不可能という言葉は存在しない! 最後まで頑張りましょう!

48 Hours to go + 6th Jet Black Hero's Selection! / 後48時間+ 6人目の漆黒の英雄の選択!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Oct 06, 2020 at 02:09:29 PM

 *Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

The Black Arme Vapula is still recruiting! 疾黒装隊はまだ募集中!

Another 48 hours to go, my betentacled friends! Leon is still searching for those with the potential to join the Black Arme Vapula!

Now then, today we would like to introduce the character chosen by our 6th (Well technically the official 5th on Kickstarter) Jet Black Hero!

Courtesy of "よーそろー" (Yo-Soro-) , the character chosen for a new scene is...

"Thank you for choosing me for a new scene. May you have the blessing of the Godde...Wait, what? The contents of this scene is...T-this is a test, surely. A trial for me from the goddess..."


A lovely, gentle angel who protects the remnants humanity despite having lost family as well as the goddess she worships to the Demon invasion of Helvetia.

Despite all of her efforts, she is eventually defeated by Leonhardt, and then...

Well, let's just say, this poor angel just can't catch a break.

*Do note that the character and scene choice is not final as the Kickstarter campaign period is not yet over, and is subject to change according to the backer's wishes


さぁ、いよいよ残り48時間です! 最後までこの勢いで駆け抜けましょう!




「追加シーンのリクエスト、感謝いたします。 あなたがたに女神さまの祝福を……えっ?シーンの内容? これは……し、試練ですね。どうかお手柔らかに……」





