
VenusBlood HOLLOW International Pre-Order Store!

Created by Studio Ninetail (スタジオ九尾)

Missed out on the VBHI Kickstarter Campaign? You can still pick up some goodies here!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

VenusBlood FRONTIER Fandiscs Kickstarter Project Has Launched! / VenusBlood FRONTIERファンディスクローカライズプロジェクト開催のお知らせ
about 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 10:18:50 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

Today's update isn't really about VBHI, but hey, you saw the title, so you know what today's update is all about!

That's right! 

The VenusBlood FRONTIER's Fandiscs Localisation Kickstarter Project is now Live!

You can visit the page by clicking on the image above or using this link.

As this is just a mini Kickstarter, the project will only last for 14 days (2 weeks).

We hope that we can count on all of your support once more!





VenusBlood FRONTIER ファンディスクローカライズのミニキックスターターが開催されました!




VenusBlood HOLLOW International Official Release! / VenusBlood HOLLOW Internationalの正式リリース!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 12:21:26 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Greeting and salutations, my friends!

What a wonderful day today is, for it is VENUSBLOOD HOLLOW INTERNATIONAL's OFFICIAL RELEASE DAY!

What a wonderful day indeed.

Keys should have already been distributed via the Backerkit system, alongside any digital rewards that you ordered!

* (If you ordered the digital artbook and live outside of Japan, you are entitled to the uncensored version of the digital artbook. Please contact us to let us know you live outside of Japan and want the uncensored ver. and we will give you a JAST key, which you can then use to redeem it.)

Your physical goods should also be arriving soon, so definitely keep an eye out for them!

As for anyone who did not back the Kickstarter and/or missed out on the pre-order store, you can purchase the game, soundtrack and OST digitally from JAST USA via this link

Not to mention, in celebration of the release of VBHI, the game is 10% off right now!

Unfortunately, the game still has not passed Steam's review process at this time. We are sorry, but we ask for your patience in regards to getting the Steam version. 

The offer to swap keys to a JAST one is still open (until the STEAM ver. is released), so feel free to contact us. 

We couldn't have made it this far without the fervent support of each and every single one of you, and for that, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Thank you all so very much!

We hope you enjoy your time in the world of Venusblood Hollow International, and we hope to see you again for the next one!

A Quick Guide to Redeeming Your JAST USA Game Key

Just a simple visual guide on how to redeem your JAST USA key. 



今日はとても素晴らしい日ですね!なぜかと言います……そう、今日こそはVenusBlood HOLLOW Internationalの発売日ですよ!



手順:バッカーキットアカウントにログインして、[Get Your Digital Downloads]というボタンを押してください。そこで、ダウンロードできるデータのリストが現れます。そして各項目をダウンロードします。





それでは、VenusBlood HOLLOW Internationalの世界を存分に楽しんでくださいね!


VBHI JP ver. FANZAキー入力フォームのご案内
about 3 years ago – Fri, Nov 26, 2021 at 12:03:21 AM

This update is for Japanese Backer only. Thank you.

VenusBlood HOLLOW International につきまして、ご愛顧頂きましてありがとうございます。






Physical Goods Shipment Has Begun! + Physical OST sample images / フィジカルグッズの発送状況+ フィジカルサウンドトラックのサンプル画像公開
about 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 04:10:55 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks.

A simple enough update today as you can probably tell by the title, so let's get this show on the road!

Physical Goods Shipment Has Begun!

That's right! Your goods are now officially on their way to your doorstep. 

Well, sort of. To be more specific, they've been picked up by DHL and are on their way onto the planes/flights that are heading overseas right now. 

They should be flown over, processed and passed on to your local couriers within the span of a few days. 

There is a chance that, depending on where you live, your package might arrive a few days past the 26th. We've planned it out so that it should reach your doorstep by the 26th, the release date, but we sincerely apologise if the package is delayed a little and doesn't arrive on time. 

Currently, we predict that your goodies should arrive between the 26th to the 29th of November depending on where you live. (Due to other unforeseen problems, there is a chance the package might be delayed even longer and not arrive within the projected dates above)

Once we have received and confirmed the tracking numbers, we will upload it to backerkit, so please be patient for now. Thank you.

Physical OST Sample Images

Speaking of physical goodies, we'd also like to share with you all some sample images of the VBHI physical soundtrack!

Front Cover
Reverse side
Upright Position

VBHI's physical original soundtrack comes in a DVD case and contains 3 CDs! There are...quite a lot of tracks, after all!

For a size comparison, we prepared the 3rd picture above next to a standard 500ml bottle of water.

For anyone who ordered the physical OST, we hope you look forward to getting your hands on it!

VBHI releases in just 2 more days! We hope you're all excited for it!













実にいい感じと思いません?そう、DVD用のトールケースにCD 3枚入り!




VBHI Trial Version now on JAST USA's site + Steam related news (Key Exchange) / VBHIスチーム版ついてのお知らせ(キー交換)
about 3 years ago – Mon, Nov 22, 2021 at 12:03:01 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks.

Let's not mince words, so here is today's update.

VBHI Trial Version now available on JAST USA's Site!

*Reminder that this demo is for all-ages.

The demo is now available on JAST USA's website, so click on the image above or this link to go download it and give it a shot before release!

Now then, onto more...somber news.

Steam Related News

Ah yes, Steam related news on the week VBHI is set to release, so surely there is good news?

Well...The Steam version of VBHI is currently undergoing Steam's review process, and we fear that it will not pass quickly enough for a timely release on the 26th of November.

Therefore, we regret to have to inform you all of the very high possibility that the STEAM version release will be delayed.

Despite having taken precautions against this happening again after VBFI's Steam delay, we're extremely sorry to have to once again have to inform everyone of this potential delay.

However, the JAST version and the DLsite/Fanza versions will still release on time, so rest assured on that front. And hey, if the stars just so happen to align and a miracle happens, the STEAM version might actually make it on time. 

As a result, we are once again accepting requests to exchange a STEAM key for a JAST USA key, valid until the STEAM version finally releases. 

We once again apologise for the inconvenience, and we hope you understand.

Oh, but there is one more thing we'd like to mention.

The all-ages version VBHI Trial Version was approved for STEAM, and the demo will be made available on STEAM soon!

The fact that the trial version managed to pass STEAM's inspection does give us hope that the game will eventually make it, and it is our hope that you can all be patient and await the good news.

Well, just thought we'd end this update on a high note! 

A big thank you once again to everyone for all of your support!







ですが、ご心配なく。仮にスチーム版は延期があっても、JAST USA版、DLsite版、FANZA版は延期しません。日本語版(DLsite/FANZA)を選んだバッカーは心配する必要はいりません。

