
VenusBlood HOLLOW International Pre-Order Store!

Created by Studio Ninetail (スタジオ九尾)

Missed out on the VBHI Kickstarter Campaign? You can still pick up some goodies here!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Information + New VBHI Trial Version + VBF FD Kickstarter Delay/発送についてのお知らせ + VBHI新トライアル版公開(15日公開版) + VBF FDキックスターター延期のお知らせ
about 3 years ago – Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 11:03:09 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

As you can probably tell from the title, some pretty exciting news today indeed!

Shipping Information

Information we're sure many of you wanted to know about, we would like to talk a little bit about what's happening in regards to shipping!

To put it simply, for our backers overseas, the shipping process has already started and your packages are being packed and then handed over to DHL for overseas shipping. 

They should begin shipping/transit in earnest from the 22nd and should arrive at your doorstep by the 26th (not counting time spent at customs if the shipment is held up, or those who live in more remote areas), so definitely keep an eye out for your goodies!

As for anyone living in Japan, your items will be packed and prepared by the 22nd, and will be passed over to Kuroneko Yamato for shipping by the 24th or 25th (24th for anyone living in Hokkaido and Okinawa), and should arrive at your doorstep on the 26th.

*Note: The package might say that the sender was from IZANAGI (イザナギ. Izanagi is our shipping partner for this project, so that package will indeed contain your goods. Please don't refuse the package just because the sender's name isn't Ninetail or JAST!

New VBHI Trial Version

*This trial version is the one released on the 15th of November

A new all-ages trial version for VBHI is available! 

This trial version was released on the 15th, so this update is really to let people who don't follow our twitter feed know about it.

You can download it here, just select the one that says SLG体験版1.02 英語ver.on the right side.

Links on JAST should go up soon, and we will post it on twitter once the link becomes available. 

VenusBlood FRONTIER FD Kickstarter Delay

Sad, sad news today that we must share with everyone.

Due to unforeseen problems in the review process for the VBF FD Kickstarter, the starting date for the KS will have to be delayed. 

The Kickstarter project's projected start date is now early December. We apologise for the delay, and we still hope that we can count on your support when the time comes!














VenusBlood FRONTIER FDキックスターター延期のお知らせ





VenusBlood HOLLOW International Gameplay Trailer Reveal! + Some Physical Goods Sample Previews/ VenusBlood HOLLOW International 英語ゲームプレイトレーラー初公開!+ フィジカルグッズ一部サンプル画像公開
about 3 years ago – Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 09:41:11 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

Just a very simple update today, so let's just show you this exciting gameplay trailer, eh?

*As  the trailer is age-restricted, it requires you to have a Youtube account and cannot be embedded onto this update. Please click on the image below to view it!

We hope you enjoyed this little trailer! 

Do look forward to VenusBlood HOLLOW International, releasing soon! 

Physical Goods Sample Images

Ah yes, and of course, with shipping preparations moving forward, we thought that we'd like to share with you all some sample images of a few physical goodies.

Kickstarter Physical Game Package


Physical Artbook

Front Cover
Character Page
More Character Pages

Replica Shikishi

To anyone who purchased the items above, we hope you look forward to holding them in your hands soon!






VenusBlood HOLLOW Internationalのリリースまでに後少しだけですので、ぜひ楽しみにしてください!









Regarding the order confirmation email from 株式会社イザナギ/ 株式会社イザナギからの受注メールについて
about 3 years ago – Tue, Nov 09, 2021 at 01:33:15 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, everyone.

As I'm sure our physical backers are aware, earlier today, an email from 株式会社イザナギ (Izanagi Ltd) arrived in the inbox of the email used to back the VBHI Kickstarter.

In today's update, we would like to briefly talk about what exactly that email was all about.

First off, we are very sorry for the sudden email.

It was the result of a misfire, so to speak, on the part of the automated email system that our delivery partner over at 株式会社イザナギ uses.  After the order details for your VBHI order on Backerkit was punched into their system, it automatically sent out a mass email confirming your order.

So yes, the email is a form of an automated, final order confirmation email of sorts.

The prices listed are lower than the sale price because we have adjusted them to account for customs or taxes that our overseas backers have to worry about when it comes to overseas purchases. They are not indicative of the actual price of the item, be it the sale price or wholesale price or anything of that nature.

Due to a mistake in the shipping system, there is a chance that the items listed on your order might be mistaken. Please do not worry as it is currently being investigated and will be fixed in time for proper delivery.

Despite everything, we hope that you are excited at the news that the shipping preparations for VBHI goodies are moving forward!

And one more thing, the delivery method that will be used this time is via DHL.

Do look forward to receiving your goodies!



VenusBlood HOLLOW Internationalのリワードの発送会社様(株式会社イザナギ)からメールが一斉送信された件について、解説するためのアップデートとなります。







VenusBlood FRONTIER Fandiscs Kickstarter Update + VBHI Guest Units Spotlight! / VenusBlood FRONTIER FDのキックスターターは近日中開催 + VBHI ゲストユニットスポットライト
about 3 years ago – Mon, Nov 08, 2021 at 06:43:48 AM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

Just a quick and simple update today, so let's get started then!

VenusBlood FRONTIER Fandiscs Kickstarter Update

As mentioned in the previous update, we were going to go forward with a VenusBlood FRONTIER Fandiscs mini Kickstarter, and today we would like to give you slightly more detailed information!

We mentioned late November last update, but to be more specific, it's more like...mid-November. 

Well, mid to late November? So... we basically moved it up a little.

And that's about it! Once again, if you haven't yet finished VBFI, now would be the ideal time to do so before the fandisc Kickstarter that is chock full of spoilers begins!

VBHI Guest Units Spotlight

Aw yeah, bringing up the guest units again! Always exciting.

Anyway, let's get this show on the road!

VenusBlood Brave Units

With a total of 6 (+3 Mini Guardians & Hain's awakened form too) units, VBB is the title that will have the most guest characters in VBHI! Does that mean much in the grand scheme of things...? Yes, yes it does.

Most likely, people are curious what characters from a JRPG (of sorts) would look like in an SRPG, and thus they were voted in! 

By the way, don't the 3 mini guardians look absolutely adorable standing there next to their respective mothers? Do look closely, you might have missed them.

Also, considering the fact Hain is holding like, a grimoire, doesn't it make him look like the tactician type a little more than the other 2 protagonists mentioned below? Even though all 3 can technically count as the crafty, tactician types in their respective games.


With 4 units (+ their various forms), VBF&R units take second place in terms of numbers. 

But then again we're mixing 2 games so that's kind of cheating, no? Crafty fella, that Loki.

Considering VBF was the first successfully kickstarted VB, Loki getting in was kind of a no-brainer, perhaps?

As for the other 3 goddesses, they might be an unfamiliar sight for those who only know of VBFI? Well they're from the direct sequel to FRONTIER, VB RAGNAROK. They were quite popular there, so it makes sense they'd get in here, too. 

I guess their other forms might constitute as spoilers for Ragnarok, though? Oh dear.

VenusBlood Gaia Units

And in 3rd place(?), we have VenusBlood Gaia with 3 units(+ their various forms) coming in from it.

Erm...Yeah. Gaia has a form of cult-like popularity in the VB series in particular, especially in terms of characters, so it was perhaps only natural to see units from it get some guest spots in VBHI.

VenusBlood Lagoon & Abyss Units

Lagoon with 2 units(+ Tia's other form), and Abyss with...Well, 1 unit(+ her other form).

Considering LAGOON came after HOLLOW, unfortunately some skills that were invented later cannot be reverse implemented, and thus you could say that both Tia and Revia suffered a bit of a nerf when it came to their stats and skills...But I guess such is the side-effect of travelling worlds.

As for Lucina, the 'original dimension slash queen'... 

Erm, yeah, she clearly got a buff here, considering how old her game is. 

What's that? What a fast and loose update today's one is?

Well hey, VBHI comes out in like, 22 days, so we're feeling a bit festive, see? 

Take a load off, friends, and we hope you're all excited for the release of VBHI coming soon!




VenusBlood FRONTIER FDのキックスターターは近日開催予定!






*FDは本編のアフターストーリーとなるため、ネタバレが多く含まれます。VBFIをまだクリアしていない方がいましたら、ぜひこの機会でクリアを目指してください! キックスターターページ自体にもネタバレ要素が入る可能性もあります。




VenusBlood BRAVEゲストユニット



それにしても、あの小さいガーディアン……とても可愛いと思いませんか?! 母親の隣にいて。

それと、VBB主人公のハイン君、グリモア的な本を持っていて、やっぱりこう、頭脳系主人公に見えますね? でもまぁ後に紹介する主人公たちも、頭脳系主人公かもしれませんね。

VenusBlood FRONTIER & RAGNAROK ゲストユニット




VBFIしか知らない人にとって、他の3人は?と思うかもしれませんね。ええとですね、そちらの3人は、FRONTIERの直接の続編であるRAGNAROKから登場する女神です! Rでは相当の人気を誇った3人なので、当選するのも納得です。


VenusBlood GAIA ゲストユニット

3位(?)ではGaiaですね! 3体(+変化形態)のユニットが登場します。



VenusBlood LAGOON & ABYSS ゲストユニット





それでは、いよいよVBHIの発売まで後22日程度です! 楽しみにしてくださいね!

Artbook Sample Pages + VenusBlood Fandiscs Kickstarter Coming Soon!/アートブックサンプルページ公開 + VBFD キックスターターが開催されます!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Oct 30, 2021 at 06:52:02 PM

*Japanese Translation Below (日本語訳は下の方にあります)

Good day, folks!

A rather straightforward title so today's update should be an easy one to understand! 

Without further ado, here are some sample pages from the 'Character Introductions' portion of the artbook!

Anora's Character Page
Leon's page
Alioth's page

We hope that you enjoyed this sneak peek at a few pages of the artbook, and for anyone who has purchased the artbook, we hope that you look forward to being able to read the other pages soon!

VenusBlood Fandiscs Kickstarter Coming Soon!

I wonder if you remember in an earlier update, we had discussed the possibility of running a mini Kickstarter for the VenusBlood Fandiscs? Well, here we are!

Rigret and Odin in their new Fandisc outfits!

Well, specifically, the VenusBlood FRONTIER fandiscs (3 in total).

For anyone unfamiliar or who may have missed the last update, fandiscs are basically like, extra content CDs. Think of it as like a CD containing a short after-story for specific heroines from the base game.

For anyone who is already familiar with the specific VenusBlood Fandiscs available, you might be wondering why we are going with the FRONTIER fandiscs instead of the HOLLOW fandiscs, especially considering the current project?

To put it simply, well...Hollow isn't even out yet, yes?

And, well, 'after stories' are perhaps a little spoilery, would you not agree?

We'll certainly be keeping a close eye on this mini Kickstarter for the FRONTIER fandiscs, so hey, if it does well, maybe one day we'll see one for the HOLLOW fandiscs, too!

With that said, we plan to launch this mini Kickstarter for the VBF fandiscs soon, likely late November, and we hope to see you all there!

*By the way, as the FDs contain after-stories and stories that come after the base game, we would highly recommend completing VBFI first before viewing the fandisc kickstarter as there will be spoilers on the page itself.










具体的に言うと、VenusBlood FRONTIER のFD 3つ分です。


なので、11月下旬(予定)のFrontier FDのミニキックスターターに支援することをご検討ください!

*FDは本編のアフターストーリーとなるため、ネタバレが多く含まれます。VBFIをまだクリアしていない方がいましたら、ぜひこの機会でクリアを目指してください! キックスターターページ自体にもネタバレ要素が入る可能性もあります。